Homemade Recipes


Strawberry crunch pound cake



150g to 200g strawberries or other fruits depending on the season
°150g flour
°2 large eggs
°120g of sugar
°1 lemon (zest and juice)
°50g cold butter
°icing sugar (dusting)
Equipment: 1 springform pan of 24 cm, mixer or food processor.
Preheat the oven Th 6 / 180°C rotating heat.
1 – Prepare the base of the cake: whisk the sugar and whole eggs at high speed for 5 minutes. The mixture should triple in volume. Then slowly incorporate the flour, lemon zest and juice. Butter a cake tin and pour the preparation.
2 – Cut the strawberries in 2 and spread them over the preparation without pushing them down. (depending on the fruit used, you will cut them into medium pieces).
3 – Cut the cold butter into small pieces and spread it over the preparation and the fruit. Sprinkle with 1 to 2 tbsp. sugar.
COOKING: Put in the oven Th 6 180°C rotating heat for 25 mins.
Remove from the oven and unmold on a wire rack after 5 minutes. Sprinkle with icing sugar.
Jardin-des-gourmands.com advice: You can use frozen fruits (raspberries, mixed red fruits, etc.). This cake retains all its particularity even the next day! If there are any left… To be enjoyed in the garden with a good fruity tea: a delight.

4 Replies to “Strawberry crunch pound cake”

  1. Nancy Graham

    Recipe should be in American measurements! Cake looks delicious. But I wouldn’t take time to convert., Do better!

    • admin

      Thank you for your feedback! I’m glad you think the Strawberry Crunch Pound Cake looks delicious. I understand that converting measurements can be time-consuming. I’ll make sure to include American measurements in future recipes to make it easier for everyone.

  2. Kimberly Butler

    I think this a fabulous recipe and no problem with converting measurements. I think people just won’t to complain. It doesn’t take long to do it. It just lazy on their part. Thank you for the wonderful recipe. .

    • admin

      Thank you so much for your positive feedback! I’m glad you enjoyed the recipe. Converting measurements can indeed be a minor task, but I’m happy to hear it wasn’t an issue for you. Your kind words are much appreciated!

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