Homemade Recipes


Caramel Pecan Reverie Squares


Caramel Pecan Reverie Squares These Caramel Pecan Reverie Squares truly transport one to a state of reverie, and were it not for The Recipe Tin Project, their existence might have eluded me entirely. Their preparation demands a mere five minutes before they find themselves enveloped in the warmth of the oven, relying predominantly on kitchen shortcuts readily nestled within your pantry. Consequently, they emerge as the epitome of a dessert easily summoned at a moment’s notice. It proves arduous not to succumb to the allure of a confectionary square that boasts a tantalizing stickiness, a saccharine essence, and an abundance of toffee nuances. Thus, it becomes evident why Emily deemed it worthy of immortalization on paper. And indeed, I echo her sentiment with resounding gratitude.

FOR THE BASE: 1 package golden cake mix 1/3 cup supple margarine 1 egg

FOR THE FILLING: 1 (14 oz) tin condensed sweet milk 1 cup pecans, finely chopped 1/2 cup fragments of Brickle baking morsels

Method To Craft Caramel Pecan Reverie Squares Preheat the oven to 350°F and liberally coat a 9×13-inch baking vessel with a nonstick spray. Combine the golden cake mix, margarine, and egg, pressing the amalgam firmly onto the base of the prepared receptacle. Pour the filling components (condensed sweet milk, pecans, Brickle morsels) atop the base and bake for a duration of 25-30 minutes. Allow it to cool before carving into squares. Indulge in the delight!


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